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PR Monday: Your Reputation Last week I had a great lunch with some blogging friends and Chris Byrne, The Toy Guy. The topic of conversation eventually turned to moms and reviews and giveaways. We all agreed on this basic truth: Your reputation in blogging is all you really have. Being a somewhat anonymous venue it is hard sometimes to [...]

Disneyland’s Club 33 Ah, the mystery, the allure, the exclusivity, the food I sent back. WHAT? OK, yes, I did not like my order of monk fish and they noticed, took it back and brought me mac&cheese. Does it make me sound classier if I say it was “Truffle Mac&Cheese”? Club 33 is a private club inside Disneyland. There [...]

Chillaxin and Contemplating… We are back from the 5 day mouse extravaganza. Photos, tips and a cool look at Disneyland’s Club33 coming at you in the near future. I didn’t post yesterday cause, well, to be honest I didn’t feel like it. If you missed my PR Monday posting, I would suggest that you read Darren Rowse’s article on [...]

PR Monday: PR VS. Advertising Last week I complained about irrelevant pitches and why I think bloggers should start using the NO word. I got a few emails. Just a few but enough to make me want to clarify the difference in my mind (which is a scary place to be) and when the situation warrants you charging. I want you [...]

“Man”-staches and Me This morning I asked Bob to teach Con how to shave using a razor. Connor has been shaving at least a year now but uses an electric shaver. I have asked him all week to shave and his response is that he can’t find his razor since we redid everything downstairs. So, I have had enough [...]

The Eagles: Assisted Living Tour Want to feel young again? Get some tickets to go see the Eagles. I guarantee if you are under 50 you will feel like a child again. More than half the people rockin the Mosh Pit (so 80’s of me) had walkers or canes. OK, maybe I am exaggerating a teensy bit but not all that much, [...]

PR Monday: Stop Selling Yourself Short! PLEASE! Sadly it seems that the middle ground for the pitches I receive is rapidly disappearing. I either get really, really great pitches or really, really bad ones. This is one of those that falls in the really bad category. I want to share it with some of you to show WHY I think this is [...]

Best Carterism EV’AH Carter to Dad: What is a housewife? Sad thing? Neither of us had a clue how to explain that. Best example I could come up with in modern culture? Marge Simpson. Click here & then scroll down to leave me a comment! Subscribe to the comments for this post? Share this on Digg this! Post this on Diigo Share this on FriendFeed Post [...]

Special Needs Moms Sorority I am not posting a PR Monday post today because I found this instead and as I am typing tears are running down my face. I didn’t have a particularly fabulous Mothers Day. It wasn’t for lack of trying on my husbands side. It was teenage drama and lots of work. But when I opened [...]

Lionfish, Lunch and Me–No Lyin’! One of my favorite parts of schooling the way we do is that we have the ability to take learning everywhere. Instead of just being limited to reading about things, we have the freedom to experience things up close and personal. As a former classroom teacher I know how important field trips are. Kids learn by [...]

Articles last updated at Mar 13, 2025 09:04:01am.
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